Straight Teeth in Less Time

Straight Teeth in Less Time

Are Dental Implants Right For You? Understanding The Benefits

Lois Murray

As more people make the dental implant choice, word has gotten around. This way of filling in a missing gap in your smile has benefits that go beyond its beauty. Read below about a few major benefits of dental implants to help you make a good decision.

Implants Make You Look Younger

How can this be? When you have missing teeth, your jawbone can sag and add years to your looks. Once you replace those missing teeth, your jawbone recognizes the dental implants as real teeth and begins to once again produce bone mass to support your lower face area.

As a side note, if your jawbone is already missing bone mass, you can have bone grafts in that area to build it back up again. You will need strong jawbones to support and retain your dental implants so don't be surprised if your dentist advises you to have the grafting surgery before you get implants.

Implants Look Very Natural

Even though dental implant crowns are made of acrylic or porcelain, they are indistinguishable from your other teeth thanks to the careful matching process. Your natural teeth are matched in shape and color and a mold is taken of your mouth so that the new crown is luminous and pearly, just as you would expect teeth to look. They will remain that way if you brush and floss according to your dentist's directions. Use soft bristles when brushing your implants, though, and stick to a non-abrasive toothpaste as well.

Implants Work Well with Other Solutions

Dental implants can be used in many ways for those who need more help filling in lost teeth. It's not necessary to get an entire mouth of implants, for instance (unless you want to). Your dentist can do several implants that will secure a full arch of dentures. These dentures are permanent, won't slip, make noise, or need special cleaning. The dentures fit on top of the implants and are attached to your gums. You can also have implants alongside bridges for those that only have a few teeth missing.

Implants Make Your Other Teeth Behave Better

Missing teeth not only cause a loss of bone mass, but they can set your entire set of teeth in motion. As your teeth adjust to the space, they can become loose and possibly crooked. Loose teeth will only invite bacteria into your gums and that can lead to gum diseases and decay. Don't wait till your teeth have shifted around to make the dental implant decision.

Speak to a family dental care service about it today.


2024© Straight Teeth in Less Time
About Me
Straight Teeth in Less Time

I had braces when I was a kid. Back then, you had to wear those metal wires and rubber bands for what seemed like forever. When I saw that my child’s teeth were going to be crooked like mine, I was dreading the years of braces and orthodontist appointments and limited diets that I saw stretching ahead of us. I was pleased to find out that braces today are very different from braces when I was a kid. They don’t need to be worn for nearly as long, and they aren’t as intrusive, either. My daughter got braces that can barely be seen, and she can remove them when she eats, so she doesn’t have to give up her favorite foods. I was so impressed that I started a blog to talk about modern day tooth straightening techniques. Braces have come a long way.
